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I know how busy you are as an independent HR Consultant.


You know what you want to achieve, and you have the tools to do it. But it's time consuming, and you have enough on your plate.

The Virtual Marketing Assistant for busy HR Consultants in the UK and US.

Hi, I'm Nikki.

Personalising & posting marketing content, and reaching out to connections takes up precious time you don't have.


I work exclusively with HR Consultants signed up to the HR Marketing Box to implement their marketing strategy.

How I can help...

I work exclusively in partnership with The HR Marketing Guy to help HR Consultants in the UK implement their marketing content, giving you the time you need to do more of the things you love.


Choose from competitively priced packages that include:

  • A full suite of personalised marketing content direct to your inbox every month

  • A bespoke Social Media posting schedule

  • Twice-weekly posts to LinkedIn

  • Weekly emails to prospective clients

  • Reaching out to 50 potential LinkedIn connections every week

Want to find out more?
Let's book in a chat

Proudly working in exclusive partnership with The Marketing Guy and clients of The HR Marketing Box.

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